How Can We Learn From Classical Music?

Recently, I came across this question about our takeaway from classical music. Is there anything we can learn from it? And is it necessary at all to care? As a listener or a performer, I can provide my understanding of this question as I am both. While my comments in this post might be a minuscule fraction of what we can learn, they shed some light on a musician's point of view of some of the things one can benefit from classical music.

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How to recover from an audition that did not go as planned.

You have prepared for an audition or competition for months, and you think you have done your best, but the day comes when they tell you that you did not make it to the final round or were not accepted into the orchestra of your dreams. And as sympathetic as the messengers might have been, you are left alone with the problem of what now. Where do I go from here?

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Twenty-two Ways to Stay Motivated to Practice

Whether you have played your instrument for so many years or are a beginner, there is always that aspect of being consistently motivated to practice. Most of us have been there. Deep down inside, we want to practice and do our share of the work, yet things come up in life, and we waste time on things we don't want to. By the time we know we are ready mentally to focus on our work, the day is over, and we have not done the most important thing for us. Practicing has fallen by the wayside.

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Some Methods of Overcoming Difficult Passages for Musicians

It is common to tell budding and professional musicians to practice long hours and do the required due diligence when playing an instrument. However, it is equally essential to offer some strategies to employ during our practice hours so that the time we spend in the practice room counts.

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Choosing the Right Musical Instrument for Children: A Parent's Guide

My parents had determined that age seven was a great time to begin learning how to play the piano. Therefore, it must have been quite challenging for a six-year-old child to convince them I was ready for the piano lessons. The constant classical music playing on the radio in our house and my older sisters taking piano lessons once a week must have had something to do with my desire to learn music. My parents thought I was too young to play any musical instrument. They wanted me to wait until I was the predetermined right age.

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Playing By Memory; Is it For Everybody?

I love playing from memory whenever I play a concert. That was not the case initially because it adds to the stress level even when I am accustomed to it now. However, it also contributes to the quality of the performance.

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Do you make these mistakes when you practice?

The correct way of practicing is crucial if we want to achieve an outstanding level of playing in our performance goals in whatever stage we are as musicians. Practicing our instrument takes great discipline, and we should develop it as we go along. There are no shortcuts to putting in the required amount of work when we want to achieve our goals. When one does not practice for a day, two days, then more days, the lack of quality becomes evident in one's playing. And following healthy practicing habits makes our journey smoother. Therefore, ask yourself if you make the following mistakes when practicing.

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